Financial Reports & Statistics

The Animal Foundation in Las Vegas is one of the largest lifesaving animal shelters in the country.
With the launch of Mission: Possible 2020 in 2016, we began our strategic initiative to become one of the best and most successful animal shelters, saving all healthy and treatable animals who come into our care.
Humane care for all animals entering our facility remains our absolute priority – a priority we will maintain and expand upon as we work toward our goal of saving all healthy and treatable animals in our care. This allows for the fact that we will continue the humane practice of euthanizing animals who are irremediably suffering and cannot be rehabilitated. Our live release rate at the end of 2019 was 89%, up from 67% in 2015, prior to the launch of Mission: Possible 2020.
How We Calculate Our Live Release Rate
The Animal Foundation counts ALL shelter pets when calculating Live Release Rates -- not just healthy, adoptable ones. The Animal Foundation cannot completely eliminate euthanasia for shelter pets who come in gravely sick, injured or behaviorally challenged; rather, the shelter will use all humane means to place pets in need. Live Release or placement is defined as the number of all pets who are adopted, rescued, transferred to another shelter or returned to their owners after being lost. Cats who have found positive placement via the shelter's Community Cats program (which endorses Trap-Neuter-Return) are also considered live placement. Live Release Rate is calculated based off the total number of live outcomes divided by the total number of outcomes from the shelter. This formula is modeled after the live release calculations as defined by The Humane Society of the United States.
The Animal Foundation’s Financial Reports
The Animal Foundation is committed to organizational transparency both financially and in the reporting of our shelter statistics.